Transforming Our Criminal Justice System: Engaging Our Community

  • 249 attendees registered
  • 17 speakers
  • 17 exhibiting organizations
  • 4 faith leaders introducing panels
  • 4 panel presentations
  • 3 CJCC films
  • 1 objective

On November 18, 2017 The Episcopal Forum of South Carolina, with support and collaboration by the Charleston County CJCC and City of Charleston Police Department Illumination Project, hosted a one-day conference focused on current criminal justice practices within our community, ways in which areas of weakness are being addressed, and how the community can constructively engage in promoting further improvement. The long-term goal is a criminal justice system that is effective, efficient and equitable.

Press Release

Printed Materials

Media Coverage

Presentation Materials

Local & Statewide Perspectives on Current Justice Systems & Opportunities for Improvement

Matters of Pretrial Justice That Align with Legal Foundations & Best Practices

Addressing the Needs of Those Living with Mental Illness, Addiction and/or Homelessness

Proven Practices to Reduce Re-offending in High-Risk Populations

Slideshow of the Conference

[Click image to download slideshow]

Thumbnail of slideshow file